Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I have been selected for Radius 11

Jane Rainwater has been selected as a Radius Artist at The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art. Each year The Aldrich Museum selects 6-8 emerging artists from the region, Connecticut and Southeastern, NY. This year 207 artists applied, six were selected, including Jane Rainwater. Radius is a professional development program organized by The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum in conjunction with the Ridgefield Guild of Artists to promote the growth and interests of regional artists. Artists who participate in the Radius exhibition are chosen from a review of submissions received following an open call for entries. In addition to the group exhibition at the Ridgefield Guild of Artists, selected artists receive an individual exchange with curator and director Harry Philbrick, through a review of their portfolio and original work, focusing on professional development. Radius also includes networking opportunities, workshops, and a public forum to address important issues for professional advancement.

There will be an exhibition of the Radius artists on January 24 from 4:00-7:00pm at The Ridgefield Artists Guild in Ridgefield, CT.

The Aldrich is one of the few non-collecting contemporary art museums in the United States. Founded on Ridgefield’s historic Main Street in 1964, the Museum enjoys the curatorial independence of an alternative space while maintaining the registrarial and art-handling standards of a national institution. Exhibitions feature work by emerging and mid-career artists, and education programs help adults and children to connect to todays world through contemporary art. The Museum is located at 258 Main Street, Ridgefield, CT 06877. For more information about The Aldrich:

Price of gold and economic panic

As the economic crash continues, gold has always been suggested as a hedge against inflation. If all else fails you will have your bullions of gold. But can you burn our soon to be worthless cash to heat the hut? Oh wait, you have your 24K gold fur to keep you warm! Keep an eye on the charts for warning signs. Get thee to the pawn shop!

Daily Price Charts:

Monday, August 25, 2008

24K Gold FUR??

I was reading the giant Vogue Magazine that comes out every fall, and I could not believe this! Apparently Fendi (Karl Lagerfeld, "Bond" villian) has designed a 24K mink. They put a bullion in a special chamber with the fur and under pressure, they rearrange the molecules of the fur which allows a gold mist into the cellular structure of the fur. Yes, it's gorgeous, but is this really necessary? PLEASE! if you have that much money to blow, couldn't one think of a better way to spend it. Who is buying such a thing anyway? It costs $704,256!!
Oh yeah, rich Saudi sheiks

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Alchemist's Hand

Artist: Jane Rainwater
Title: The Alchemist's Hand, 2008, 9" x 12"
Medium: Canvas, Lead, gilding
My work mines humanity’s obsession with metallic gold. Gold has unique physical properties as an element and deep spiritual resonance in the cultural history of the world. I use gold as a metaphor to illuminate issues surrounding the environment, wealth and greed, cultural traditions, and alchemic transformation. I make objects and collages using gold jewelry, scientific diagrams, maps, fabric, and found objects. In “The Alchemist’s Hand (How we make art),” a parallel is drawn between the physical alchemic process (lead into gold) and the creative process (idea into ‘valuable’ object.)

Monday, January 14, 2008

Goldfield, AZ

Way back several blogs ago, I created a bandanna from an old gold map. Well, the town really exists and here is a photo of the old ghost town. In the background are the Superstition Mountains. When I made that bandanna I didn't know it was a real place, much less that I would actually visit there on a family trip to Arizona! The owner of one of the gift shops wants some bandannas...

Gold Council & Mining Bracelet

The Gold Council recently rolled out a new advertising campaign, "Only Gold" with pithy slogans engraved on gold bullion, with sexy photos of gorgeous women wearing gold. I just couldn't resist taking their slogans and juxtaposing them with some not so pretty mining sites, imprisoned people, you get the idea. Click on the image for a closer look.

Three Rivers Show, January 2008

Happy New Year to all. I am starting off the new year by exhibiting in the Three Rivers Arts Festival gallery 937 Show, "Deliciously Disposable Earth." DDE is a critical look at the impacts of mining through the eyes of the arts. This show is curated by Carolina Loyola-Garcia. This is an international juried show. (with a stipend yeah!) I am traveling out to Pittsburgh to check it out this weekend. I am showing my ever popular charm bracelets (check the archives of this blog for images of Not So Charming pages) and my film, "Liar with a Hole in the Ground." This film was shot on-location in Virginia last year at the GPAA Treasure Show and takes a look at what drives "gold fever" among gold prospectors.

The historical price of gold jewelry

I found this idea to be quite clever! Not super crazy about the actual necklace but this idea is great! Each hand-crafted necklace is base...