Monday, August 25, 2008

24K Gold FUR??

I was reading the giant Vogue Magazine that comes out every fall, and I could not believe this! Apparently Fendi (Karl Lagerfeld, "Bond" villian) has designed a 24K mink. They put a bullion in a special chamber with the fur and under pressure, they rearrange the molecules of the fur which allows a gold mist into the cellular structure of the fur. Yes, it's gorgeous, but is this really necessary? PLEASE! if you have that much money to blow, couldn't one think of a better way to spend it. Who is buying such a thing anyway? It costs $704,256!!
Oh yeah, rich Saudi sheiks

The historical price of gold jewelry

I found this idea to be quite clever! Not super crazy about the actual necklace but this idea is great! Each hand-crafted necklace is base...