Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Golden Orb Spiders at work

Follow this link to read the story about how 1 million spiders wove silk for a golden tapestry. It's just amazing! And there is a video!
"This design marvel is an astonishing fusion of science, art, craft, and I imagine, incredible dexterity. The tapestry gets its golden color from the spider's silk which is naturally a saffron hue. The fabric is not dyed. The silk, which is hardly visible when extracted from the spider's spinneret, by hand, is then carefully woven strand by strand into a thread for use on a loom. Dozens of native Malagasy "handlers" are employed in the spider collection, harnessing, silk extraction and weaving. A rich pattern of subtle geometric shapes that reference traditional images of animals and birds are intricately woven into the golden fabric." From Fast Company Magazine

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The historical price of gold jewelry

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